Reduce Design Risk

Test Assumptions

Get To Market Faster

Presentation to Prototype

No one can get you to a functional beautiful prototype faster than Quanta Seed and nothing conveys an idea better than a good prototype. Whether your testing ideas with customers or presenting to potential investors, a good prototype is your most valuable tool.

Failure leads to Success

Everyone makes mistakes, make sure you learn from those mistakes EARLY. Choosing the right path for development is the difference between a successful product and an expensive dead end. Uncover the unknowns in a design by building a prototype that targets high risk areas to prove your assumptions. A great prototype is the foundation of a great product.

Crazy about Tech

Quanta Seed obsesses so you don't have to. We eat, sleep, and breathe technology and can use that knowledge to get you to market faster. From firmware to fabrication, new innovations in development techniques are cropping up everyday. Today's product development cycle can be shorter and more efficient than ever if you take advantage of our experience and methodology.